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River Valley Glassworks

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In River Valley Glassworks, you either place a token from your hand onto one of 6 river tiles and collect tokens from one of the two adjacent river tiles, or you take tokens from the lake to replenish your supply. Tokens collected are slotted into your player board according to color or scarcity.  Points are scored based on completed rows and scored for your two tallest collumns, with ties broken in favor of the lowest or furthest left collumns.

    Every Component is beautiful and designed with broad appeal in mind.
    Simple rules overhead with interesting decision the entire time you play.
    With a 20-minute playtime and 30-second reset, it's easy to play multiple games, each offering new strategic insights and high-score challenges.
    Experiment with turn timing and drafting strategies to outmaneuver opponents, ensuring each game is fresh and engaging.


    6 River Tiles
    5 double sided player boards
    1 fully printed bag
    1 lake board
    1 rules sheet
    132 river glass pieces

Store Availability:

This product is in stock and available for pickup at the following locations:

River Valley Glassworks
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