
LotR: Middle Earth SBG Rules Manuel [2022]

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This 224-page hardback rules manual is a comprehensive guide to the hobby of building, painting, and playing games with your models.

In side this book you'll find:

  • Introduction
  • Rules
    - Basic Principles
    - Turn Sequence
    - Monsters
    - Weapons and Wargear
    - Magical Powers
    - Special Rules
    - Advanced Rules
    - Siege Engines
    - Sieges
  • Narrative Play
    Narrative Play games allow you to recreate battles and scenes from both the books and the films.
  • Open Play
    With no restrictions whatsoever, Open Play games have unlimited creative potential, and are perfect for beginners and veterans alike.
  • Matched Play
    This section includes six Matched Play Scenarios, each providing a different tactical challenge.
  • The Armies of Middle-earth
    This section is a showcase of painted miniatures
  • Example Armies
    Four example armies

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LotR: Middle Earth SBG Rules Manuel [2022]
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