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Bestiary 3 Pawn Collection

$39.99 $34.00
Fearsome Foes Abound!

Complete your collection! This Pawn Collection collects the monsters found in Pathfinder Bestiary 3 and are perfect for use with the Pathfinder RPG or any fantasy RPG. This collection presents beautiful full-color images of a wide array of new nasties, including more than 300 monsters such as dragons, clockworks, demons, devils, hags, kami, ouroboros, sprites, titans, valkyries, and more!

Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from the Pathfinder Pawns Base Assortment, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. The Pathfinder Bestiary 3 Pawn Collection is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect monster for every Pathfinder Roleplaying Game encounter!

Bases not included. Intended for use with the bases found in any of the Bestiary Boxes or Pawns Base Assortment.

  ‣ Agathion, silvanshee
  ‣ Agathion, vulpinal
  ‣ Asura, shaukeen
  ‣ Beheaded, flaming skull
  ‣ Beheaded, severed head
  ‣ Clockwork spy
  ‣ Coral capuchin (2)
  ‣ Demon, brimorak
  ‣ Demon, dretch (2)
  ‣ Div, doru
  ‣ Duende
  ‣ Elemental, air wisp
  ‣ Elemental, earth wisp
  ‣ Elemental, fire wisp
  ‣ Elemental, water wisp
  ‣ Ennosite, ioton
  ‣ Fish, pufferfish
  ‣ Flumph
  ‣ Fox, fading
  ‣ Fox, red
  ‣ Gathlain wanderer
  ‣ Gremlin, fuath
  ‣ Gremlin, grimple
  ‣ Gremlin, haniver
  ‣ Harmona
  ‣ House drake (2)
  ‣ House spirit, domovoi
  ‣ House spirit, dvorovoi
  ‣ House spirit, ovinnik
  ‣ Incutilis
  ‣ Kami, kodama (2)
  ‣ Kami, shikigami
  ‣ Kappa
  ‣ Kushtaka
  ‣ Leshy, cactus
  ‣ Leshy, seaweed
  ‣ Leshy, vine
  ‣ Living symbol, arcane living rune
  ‣ Lovelorn
  ‣ Millindemalion
  ‣ Monkey
  ‣ Mortic, etioling blightmage
  ‣ Ostovite
  ‣ Pukwudgie
  ‣ Rakshasa, raktavarna
  ‣ Rhu-chalik
  ‣ Sahkil, esipil
  ‣ Scalescribe
  ‣ Siktempora, triumph
  ‣ Skull peeler
  ‣ Skunk
  ‣ Sloth, three-toed
  ‣ Spirit guide, cunning fox
  ‣ Sprite, draxie
  ‣ Sprite, melixie
  ‣ Sprite, nyktera
  ‣ Squirming swill
  ‣ Squirrel, giant flying
  ‣ Tattoo guardian
  ‣ Tooth fairy (2)
  ‣ Trilobite
  ‣ Tupilaq
  ‣ Wayang whisperblade
  ‣ Weasel
  ‣ Wyrwood sneak

  ‣ Abandoned zealot
  ‣ Adlet
  ‣ Agathion, procyal
  ‣ Amalgamite
  ‣ Amphisbaena
  ‣ Android infiltrator
  ‣ Asura, adhukait
  ‣ Asura, japalisura
  ‣ Azarketi explorer
  ‣ Azer
  ‣ Baykok
  ‣ Betobeto-san
  ‣ Buso
  ‣ Caligni caller
  ‣ Caligni vanguard
  ‣ Cecaelia trapper
  ‣ Clockwork mage
  ‣ Clockwork soldier (3)
  ‣ Corrupted relic
  ‣ Crossroads guardian
  ‣ Demon, abrikandilu
  ‣ Demon, omox
  ‣ Demon, deimavigga
  ‣ Devil, Hellbound attorney
  ‣ Devil, munagola (2)
  ‣ Div, aghash
  ‣ Div, pairaka
  ‣ Dybbuk
  ‣ Einherji (2)
  ‣ Ennosite, caulborn
  ‣ Ennosite, shulsaga (2)
  ‣ Eunemvro
  ‣ Eurypterid, common
  ‣ Festrog (2)
  ‣ Galvo
  ‣ Garuda
  ‣ Ghoran Manipulator
  ‣ Ghoul, leng
  ‣ Gliminal
  ‣ Green man
  ‣ Grioth cultist
  ‣ Grioth scout (2)
  ‣ Guardian beast, stone lion cub
  ‣ Guecebu
  ‣ Hag, blood
  ‣ Hag, moon
  ‣ Hag, storm
  ‣ Hag, winter
  ‣ Herexen
  ‣ Huldra
  ‣ Jorogumo
  ‣ Kami, toshigami
  ‣ Kami, zuishin
  ‣ Kangaroo
  ‣ Kishi
  ‣ Kitsune trickster
  ‣ Kovintus geomancer
  ‣ Kuchisake-onna
  ‣ Kurobozu
  ‣ Ledalusca
  ‣ Living symbol, oil living graffiti
  ‣ Locathah hunter (2)
  ‣ Maftet guardian (2)
  ‣ Mezlan
  ‣ Mi-go
  ‣ Mortic, angheuvore flesh-gnawer
  ‣ Mortic, gurgist mauler
  ‣ Mortic, lifeleecher brawler
  ‣ Mothman
  ‣ Munavri spellblade
  ‣ Myceloid (2)
  ‣ Nagaji soldier
  ‣ Namorrodor
  ‣ Nemhaith
  ‣ Nightgaunt
  ‣ Nymph, hesperid
  ‣ Nymph, hesperid queen
  ‣ Nymph, lampad
  ‣ Nymph, lampad queen
  ‣ Owb
  ‣ Paaridar, manticore
  ‣ Penanggalen
  ‣ Peri
  ‣ Phantom beast
  ‣ Phantom knight
  ‣ Planar scion, aphorite sharpshooter
  ‣ Planar scion, ganzi martial artist
  ‣ Popobawa
  ‣ orcupine, giant
  ‣ Quintessivore
  ‣ Rakshasa, maharaja
  ‣ Ram, ringhorn
  ‣ Ram, rosethorn
  ‣ Rokurokubi
  ‣ Sabosan (2)
  ‣ Sahkil, nucol
  ‣ Sahkil, pakalchi
  ‣ Sahkil, wihsaak
  ‣ Samsaran anchorite
  ‣ Sasquatch
  ‣ Seething spirit
  ‣ Shabti redeemer
  ‣ Shae
  ‣ Siktempora, hatred
  ‣ Siktempora, love
  ‣ Skeleton, harpy
  ‣ Skelm, palace
  ‣ Skelm, shrine
  ‣ Skelm, soul
  ‣ Skelm, street (2)
  ‣ Slithering pit
  ‣ Stheno harpist
  ‣ Strix kinmate
  ‣ Terra-cotta soldier
  ‣ Trailgaunt
  ‣ Tsukumogami, chouchin-obake
  ‣ Tsukumogami, ittan-momen
  ‣ Tsukumogami, kasa-obake
  ‣ Umasi
  ‣ Valkyrie
  ‣ Vampire, nosferatu malefactor
  ‣ Vampire, nosferatu overlord
  ‣ Vampire, nosferatu thrall
  ‣ Vanara disciple
  ‣ Vilderavn
  ‣ Vishkanya infiltrator
  ‣ Weasel, magalictis
  ‣ Werecreature, werebat
  ‣ Zombie, sulfur (3)

  ‣ Agathion, draconal
  ‣ Angazhani
  ‣ Animated object, silverware swarm
  ‣ Arboreal reaper
  ‣ Asura, nikaramsa
  ‣ Bauble beast
  ‣ Bison (2)
  ‣ Blood painter
  ‣ Bore worm swarm
  ‣ Brainchild
  ‣ Calikang
  ‣ Camel (2)
  ‣ Cobble mite, cobbleswarm
  ‣ Couatl, mix
  ‣ Couatl, xiuh
  ‣ Crab, giant hermit
  ‣ Crab, hermit crab swarm
  ‣ Devil, levaloch
  ‣ Div, sepid
  ‣ Divine warden
  ‣ Dragon, young forest
  ‣ Dragon, young sea
  ‣ Dragon, young sky
  ‣ Dragon, young sovereign
  ‣ Dragon, young underworld
  ‣ Dramofir
  ‣ Ennosite, adachros
  ‣ Eurypterid, spiny
  ‣ Fish, piranha swarm
  ‣ Fortune eater
  ‣ Giant, cave
  ‣ Giant, desert
  ‣ Giant, tomb
  ‣ Girtablilu seer
  ‣ Girtablilu sentry (2)
  ‣ Globster
  ‣ Guardian beast, stone lion
  ‣ Hadrinnex
  ‣ Hellwasp swarm
  ‣ Hyakume
  ‣ Kirin
  ‣ Kongamato
  ‣ Krampus
  ‣ Monkey swarm
  ‣ Moose
  ‣ Mosasaur, platecarpus
  ‣ Narwhal
  ‣ Opossum, giant
  ‣ Owb prophet
  ‣ Pangolin, giant
  ‣ Roiling incant
  ‣ Sahkil, ximtal
  ‣ Seahorse, giant
  ‣ Siktempora, misery
  ‣ Skinstitch
  ‣ Skull swarm, clacking
  ‣ Skull swarm, sorcerous
  ‣ Skunk, giant
  ‣ Snake, rat snake swarm
  ‣ Snake, viper swarm
  ‣ Sphinx, hieracosphinx
  ‣ Spirit guide, feathered bear
  ‣ Squirrel swarm
  ‣ Sumbreiva
  ‣ Swordkeeper
  ‣ Terror bird
  ‣ Terror shrike
  ‣ Tikbalang
  ‣ Tolokand
  ‣ Tooth fairy swarm
  ‣ Trilobite swarm
  ‣ Vulture, giant
  ‣ Werecreature, werecrocodile
  ‣ Wizard sponge
  ‣ Wolliped
  ‣ Yithian
  ‣ Yzobu (2)
  ‣ Zetogeki

  ‣ Animated object, colossus
  ‣ Animated object, furnace
  ‣ Arboreal archive
  ‣ Bore worm, empress
  ‣ Clockwork dragon
  ‣ Cobble mite, sturzstromer
  ‣ Dragon, adult forest
  ‣ Dragon, adult sea
  ‣ Dragon, adult sky
  ‣ Dragon, adult sovereign
  ‣ Dragon, adult underworld
  ‣ Giant, plague
  ‣ Golem, fossil
  ‣ Golem, mitrhil
  ‣ Kokogiak
  ‣ Mobogo
  ‣ Mokele-mbembe
  ‣ Opossum, khravgodon
  ‣ Sahkil, kimenhul
  ‣ Shantak
  ‣ Skull swarm, feral
  ‣ Sloth, megatherium
  ‣ Sphinx, elder
  ‣ Tiddalik
  ‣ Tidehawk
  ‣ Zombie dragon

  ‣ Cavalry brigade (16 pawns)
  ‣ City guard squadron (16 pawns)
  ‣ Nightmarchers (16 pawns)
  ‣ Rancorous priesthood (16 pawns)
  ‣ Skeleton infantry (16 pawns)
  ‣ Terra-cotta garrison (15 pawns)
  ‣ Zombie, shambler troop (16 pawns)

Store Availability:

This product is in stock and available for pickup at the following locations:

Bestiary 3 Pawn Collection
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